
Indiana beer was launched in 2015 as a refreshing proposal to enjoy on the hottest days. It is based on the typical Belgian witbier recipe and flavoured with coriander seeds and orange peel. In addition, depending on availability, the recipe for this beer is completed with chin wheat, a variety native to the Canary Islands. Its smooth and fruity taste will not leave the most demanding tastes indifferent.

Its creamy white foam is reminiscent of the powder that covers the capital of La Palma every Monday of Carnival, on the occasion of the celebration of Los Indianos. This is a traditional festivity, consisting of the representation of the arrival of the emigrants from La Palma, who returned from the Americas, especially from Cuba, boasting of their fortune and good position, and which also gives its name to this white wheat beer. The opulence of the returnees is reflected in the emblematic animal, which features on each of the labels of Cervecera Isla Verde’s products. The rook dresses up as an Indian for the occasion. Although in recent years there has been a widespread belief that any white garment is valid for this traditional festival, the truth is that the palmeros and palmeras take special care with their clothing, using quality fabrics, headdresses and jewellery for women and suits for men.

Cerveza Indiana also has a gold medal in the category of wheat beers, awarded in 2017 at the International Craft Beer Competition held in Madrid.